Puja at Shambala Gatherings during Sama Yoga TT 2018


You are worth resting, to be with what is, to connect more deeply with yourself

From a day in the norwegian woods devoted to rest, 2020

“Just because something is possible does not make it wise”
- Stuart McGill -

You are a unique being, just like a snowflake or a lotus flower.
I offer yoga honoring the uniqueness of the practitioner.

Guiding yoga with a functional approach means that there is no ideal posture. Every body is different and it is supposed to feel good from the inside. My yoga classes are an invitation to get to know your body and mind through curiosity and compassion - just the way you are. All offerings are given in groups or 1 - 1. Online and live.

SAMA YOGA - Everyday yoga to balance mind and body. For everyone, in all phases of life. A combination of Hatha Yoga & QiGong, infused with wisdom from the Vedas, Ayurveda and the 5 elements. Simple and deep. Besides physical movements we practice mantras, pranayama (breathing practices), small meditations and relaxation.

FEMININE YOGA - Yoga to increase women’s health. Practices to regulate and support menstrual cycle and hormonal balance. Can be individually tailored to support your unique cycle.

YOGA PRE, DURING & POST PREGNANCY - Yoga tailored to these tender and special phases in a woman life. To prepare for conception, to support a soft and strong pregnancy and to heal after birth.
As my yoga journey has evolved during two pregnancies, births and postpartums, I know by experience how this practice can benefit women by carefully listening. I would love to support you on the journey of mothering.

YOGA FOR REST & RELAXATION - A practice of patience and slowing down giving time to evolve and grow in a natural rhythm. We cannot expect the art of relaxation to be innate for all, like everything else it needs to be practiced to be mastered. In a busy, non- stop goal- oriented world, these practices are important now, more than ever.
I love guiding really soft, slow and nourishing practices inspired by Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Yoga Nidra & Body Awareness practices.

Investment: 75 min private yoga session - 1008 NOK

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
May all beings bring peace

Words from people …

“Lucky me Mettes motherly love reaches further than to just her children. Mettes heart hugs everyone that comes close to her. Feeling blessed! ”

— Nikolina


“Mette er en trygg yogainstruktør som tilpasser timene til mine behov og min kropp. Hun ser muligheter og ikke begrensninger og gjør hver time til en helhetlig opplevelse for kropp og sjel”

— Birgitte

“I truly enjoy Mettes poetic side and her devotion to the teaching and sharing. Its very empowering to see her words come from her heart ”

— Josefin


“Yoga med Mette er ukens lille lyspunkt! Jeg opplever at praksisen har en helbredende effekt, etter lange dager foran PCen. Avspenningen i timene virker stresslindrende, og hjelper meg som småbarnsforelder å være litt mer tilstede. Alt i alt en god miks av leken flyt og tydelig struktur som er lett å følge. Tusen takk, Mette!”

— Jens