
We all have a story to share …

A deep wish to been seen and heard without judgements, as the love that we all are



En sirkel - mange ulike historier

Ett gull - mange ulike former

En sannhet - mange ulike opplevelser

Ett hjerte - mange ulike hjerteslag


Everything here is sacred …

As I bow to Mother Earth, I bow to you sister & I respect myself as an infinite boundless source of love

Im passionate about women’s health. I wish for a world where we can meet each other in sacred sisterhood with deep respect honoring each other as we are with different backgrounds. Making a love-chain standing strong in our own being and even stronger and softer together!

Do you want to connect with your innate power and feminine wisdom? Are you doing it already, but need someone to support you to go deeper? This is an offer to support you on the journey of self-growth and feminine empowerment through getting to know your own menstrual cycle and embody this wisdom within.

I offer 1 - 1 sessions, to help you understand and connect to your own cycle and learn practical tools for adjusting imbalances. Investment: 1008 NOK for 1 hour. This is an offer close to my heart.

Devi circles are sacred gatherings for you identifying as a woman, to honor and praise the feminine principle in you. The Moon. The Mind. The Body. The soft and the sharp. Our inner and outer reality. We gather to transform jealousy and judgement to admiration, understanding and support. We gather to release and let go of all that does not serve us. We gather to share what’s on our hearts. We learn to listen with one big ear and one huge heart. We gather to understand what it means to be a woman.

These circles are guided organically to suit the women present in the moment with all the tools and wisdom that has blessed me on my way towards self- love. This is not a place to become anything. This is a place where we learn to accept and be with everything that feels true and present to us. Nothing is to big to be welcomed, processed and healed. This is how the Goddess is.
Self- shining.
Self- effulgent.
In you, in me, in and through, and all that is.
All women are heartily welcomed <3

This offering is for you who feel a need of sharing your story in a safe and intimate container of compassion. I listen to you without the need of fixing anything. Without any set solutions. Without judgements. Using fully present listening and questions to guide you yourself to the core of your challenges.
I offer these 1 - 1 sessions supported by meditation, prayers and body awareness practices to help you integrate your story. Together we offer the story back to the infinite, and receive in return empowerment and meaning.
Investment: 1008 NOK for 1 hour.

I offer these individual ceremonies inspired by the Vedic tradition of initiating women into womanhood by celebrating the onset of menstruation. Most of us in Western societies has not been introduced into the sacredness of menarche. But its never to late! This is a way to transform your myths and knowledge about menstruation into a new and healthy story. A way to let go of old unhealthy stories and taboos, to clear the path for your initiation to connect deeper to your cycle.
I offer these individual ceremonies tailored to your needs and desires. Recommended to do during your first days of bleeding in a given cycle.
Investment: 1800 NOK for 2 hours + preparation and treats for you.


I honor you as the goddess that you are

What a wonder to be a WOMAN in this time of life …

“The menstrual cycle is a window into the general health and well- being of a woman, and not just a reproductive event… It can indicate the status of bone health, heart disease, and ovarian failure, as well as long- term fertility. Therefore, if a woman is not having her period, it is the first sign that something else could be going on.”

— Paula Hillary, MD, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Standford University School of Medicine


“Menstruation is the engine room of your power - the ultimate antidote to procrastination. It’s the prime time to plant the seeds of your intentions for the coming cycle and beyond.”

— From the book “Wild Power” by Alexandra Pope & Sjanie Wurlitzer

“Many women have a limited view of creativity, not because of their perception of their own abilities or inabilities but because of the restricting view which society places the products of creativity. Creativity is not expressed in the product but rather in the process of giving form. It is giving of form to the experience of your inner self in relation to the world around you, whether in a tangible form such as the creation of a child or a painting or in an intangible form such as an idea, a relationship or a dance.”

— Miranda Gray, Red Moon


“Know that it is the womb
From which all beings arise;
the universe is born within me,
and within me will be destroyed.”

— Bhagavad Gita