Who am I ?

My name is Mette Harr Støre. I was born in Oslo // Norway, November 1988.

I got my first child in 2015 and I suddenly experienced life through a new lens. A strong remembrance of myself as a child pondering the big question “Who am I?” slowly awoke. I would say my spiritual journey started. Feeling the heartbeat of this freshly baked newborn baby took me on a deep journey inside myself, meeting both fears and moments of total completeness.

Soon after I rediscovered a forgotten childhood passion - to sing from the heart, whithout shame and doubt, just out of love. Without pressure to perform the healing effects were great, I could not stop. Dawning in me was the feeling that my mind, body and emotional being was very much ONE whole being.
That was a huge shift in my experience as a human being!

They say “the teacher will appear when the student is ready” and this could not be more true to me. In 2018 I met my yoga teacher, Sky Akasha. Trusting my inner voice, I jumped on the Sama Yoga Teacher Training. When initiated into the teachings of Yoga & Vedanta, with tears in mye eyes, I came back to this feeling of what it means to be home in my own being, and I decided to follow this path deeper. From here it has been a journey of seeing life as a blessing, a journey of gratitude, a journey of welcoming everything that comes and goes my way.

Im inspired and devoted to offer practices from this place of curiosity, wonder and magnificence of individuals I meet on my way. Im blending science and knowledge from western traditions with holistic approaches from eastern traditions. Leading by example by living my dharma as a Mother of two sacred beings, Leo & Albert. Walking this path of life side by side with my beloved Magnus, we are exploring how the relationship can be both a platform for growth as well as a source of deep unconditioned love.

I am LOVE in my essence, that’s the only constant. Im also a mother, a wife, a guide, a student, a daughter, a sister, a friend … but these are all roles. They will never rock the constant. “Actions can fail, but a person never fails”- words by my dear teacher Sharada Devi. The teachings of Vedanta has helped me closer to understand “Who am I?”, while embodying the practices of yoga, puja, mantras and movement has helped me to feel it.

I am forever grateful.

With Love,

Dhanyo’ham Dhanyo’ham Dhanyo Dhanyah Punah Punar Dhanyah

Background & experience of relevance:

Master in Psychology
University of Oslo

Sama Yoga Teacher
Sama Yoga Teacher Training, Sweden & Bali
270 h specialized yogic studies with emphasis on self-growth and delivering yoga as a means of achieving physical, mental and emotional balance. Including study of 5 elements, Ayurveda, Mantra, Puja, Karma yoga, introduction to Vedas and Vedanta

Sama Yoga & Vaidika Immersion, Bali
Study of Sanskrit, Chanting & Ritual, 60 h

Be Woman Facilitator
Be Woman Project Course “The Heroines Journey” deepening into the Sacred Feminine.

Human Resources & Development
7 years of experience working with Human Resources in private and public sector.

Pre- and postnatal Yoga Teacher Training 85h
Trained by the faculty of Retur to the Self with creatrix Jo Shakti, in collaboration with international Women’s Health Workers

Cesarean Birth Recovery
Special interest and knowledge within the field of healing and recovery after a cesarean section both before and after the 8 first weeks.
Online course “Recovery After Cesarean” with Kathleen Rowan / Tokyo Prenatal center
Personal experience and deepening after two cesareans myself. Scar tissue treatment, cupping, massage techniques, movement therapy, nervous system- and emotional healing.

Self- growth
8 years of deepening into my menstrual cycle and growing my cycle knowledge from both eastern and western medicine

Continuous student of Yoga, Vedic teachings, Family Life & My Moon Cycle

Priestess Initiation Training with Be Woman Project

10 days intensive program mainly based in the Vedic Tradition, giving space to inquiring into the Balinese, Greek and Celtic Rituals and Practices. 7 Major life transitions through 7 Rites of Passage… birth, study, menarche, sexuality, motherhood, menopause and death.

Coaching & Embodiment Studies with Be Woman Project - Sharada Devi
12-Month Online Vedic Study, Group Coaching & Feminine Embodiment Container that includes a Coach Training program.

Craniosacral Therapy
A student of craniosacral therapy with Eana Academy until spring 2024.

Aim Hrim Om Sarasvatyei Namaha


I AM DEEPLY GRATEFUL for my teachers; Sky Akasha, Sanna Akasha, Anna Sunesson, Petra Parvati Kalla & Jenny Sharada. To Swami Vagishanandaji, for passing on the teachings of Vedanta. Deep gratitude to my parents, Berit & Åge, for a safe and supported upbringing. Respect and honor to my mother and father lineage. To my day to day mirrors of what it means to be alive, Leo, Albert and Magnus. I feel showered by your loving presence.

Gurur Brahma Gurur Visnuh Gurur Devo Mahesvarah Guru Saksat Param Brahma Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha

Photo by Rianne Snoek, at the final ceremony of Sama Yoga TT
w/ Anna Sunesson & Sky Akasha