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Jeg lever for Kjærlighet, Omsorg & Helbredelse til alle kvinner.
Love, Care & Healing to All women.

Hei, jeg heter Mette og er skaperen bak The Sacred Mother: et sted hvor alle kvinner, mødre og søstre, kan gjenfinne tillit, tilhørighet og trygghet i seg selv.
Med min bakgrunn i psykologi, yoga for kvinnekroppen, kvinnesirkelarbeid og somatisk terapi, møter jeg kvinner i sirkel eller 1:1 for å støtte, veilede og guide på veien tilbake til å finne hjem i egen kropp

“Less reactions, less frequency, less intensity, sooner recovery and more happiness without a reason”
- Swami Vagishanandaji -


Embodying and guiding yoga from heart with emphasis on acceptance and self- love. Guiding Sama Yoga, Feminine Yoga, Yoga pre-, during and post pregnancy and yoga for rest and deep relaxation. Functional approach listening to your body.


Im passionate about holistic health for women. By living life more in tune with our menstrual cycle, the moon and mother nature. Using myself as a laboratory. Creating sacred spaces for women to connect more deeply with oneself and to one another.


Our human nature is love. All human wants to be loved and wants to love back. You and I are loved by the universe. On the journey of Bhakti yoga we practice to come back to this truth to bring more equanimity into our lives. As I worship so I become.


Contact & Connect
+47 970 44 217

I would love to hear from you if you are curious about my offerings, want to book an appointment or want to co- create some magic !


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